How do I get a container?
Once a booking is placed via one of our websites, you will receive a booking confirmation. It will have the load itinerary and the location of the empty depot from where the container will be released, along with the date from which the container will be available at the depot.
If you need more information about your container, please contact us via Case Management
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Часто задаваемые вопросы и ответы
If a booking made with a locked rate is cancelled, how does it affect the 20 FFE limit? What happens once I have used my lock rate to book 20 FFE ? What happens if I don't use my lock rate within 30 days on Maersk Go? If I locked a rate for a port location, can I use the same rate on a door location too? Why is a change of equipment size/type considered a cancellation? How long does it take to confirm a booking? I have been notified that a buyer has placed a booking with me as a supplier. What should I do? If I do not use all of the Freetime Extension bought, will I get a refund? What is a no-show fee? Can I choose a daily rate on a trade route after I have locked the rate on Maersk Go? Can I amend a booking after it has been placed? Can I amend the vessel or container type after a booking issubmitted?Впервые на сайте
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