Can I change the departure date of my shipment?
Yes, you can change the departure date of your shipment via your account. A change in rates will be applied and communicated to you.
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Часто задаваемые вопросы и ответы
If a booking made with a locked rate is cancelled, how does it affect the 20 FFE limit? What happens once I have used my lock rate to book 20 FFE ? What happens if I don't use my lock rate within 30 days on Maersk Go? If I locked a rate for a port location, can I use the same rate on a door location too? Why is a change of equipment size/type considered a cancellation? How long does it take to confirm a booking? I have been notified that a buyer has placed a booking with me as a supplier. What should I do? If I do not use all of the Freetime Extension bought, will I get a refund? What is a no-show fee? Can I choose a daily rate on a trade route after I have locked the rate on Maersk Go? Can I amend a booking after it has been placed? Can I amend the vessel or container type after a booking issubmitted?Впервые на сайте
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