How many milestones is Maersk tracking?
Based on the transportation length you wish to book we will display up to nine milestones starting from 'Pre-booking submission' to 'Delivery has been completed'.
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Can I get a live demo of Captain Peter? Can I ship cargo with Maersk Go that needs to be kept at a specific temperature? Can I purchase the single Captain Peter datalog download for a single shipment? I have questions or concerns about the data I see in the Captain Peter graph or the notifications I have received - who should I reach out to? Who has access to the data on Captain Peter? Can I track my air cargo? Do you allow the shipment of dangerous cargo? Can my buyers and suppliers also track the cargo? What are container seal numbers and how do I use them? What causes Demurrage and Detention? Why can I not see any shipments when I log in to Captain Peter? I have purchased the Captain Peter Integrated package, how do I start integration with the API?Впервые на сайте
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