How to use the cargo step in shipping instructions (new experience)?
Cargo section has 4 parts:
- Cargo details
- Stuffing details
- Seals
- Cargo details:
- There is option to edit the container number.
- You can add cargo details i.e. package type, cargo description and marks & numbers.
- You can also maintain a favorite list for cargo descriptions.
- HS code of the cargo is mandatory at certain times basis customs requirements for a booking.
- Stuffing details:
- Details like Piece count, Gross weight, can input under this section
- Seals:
- A seal number can be mandatory at certain times basis customs requirements for a booking.
- VGM is an optional step.
How to use the VGM step in shipping instructions (new experience)?
Pre-requisite to use the VGM step:
- Shipment should be confirmed
- Container number present
- The tare weight displayed is an actual weight (e.g. 2269kg is tare weight for 20 Dry).
- You could check the container plate to identify the actual tare weight of the container being stuffed. Container plates are generally located on the container doors.
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