How to use the cargo step in shipping instructions (new experience)?

Cargo section has 4 parts:

  • Cargo details
  • Stuffing details
  • Seals
  • VGM
  1. Cargo details:
    • There is option to edit the container number.
    • You can add cargo details i.e. package type, cargo description and marks & numbers.
    • You can also maintain a favorite list for cargo descriptions.
    • HS code of the cargo is mandatory at certain times basis customs requirements for a booking.
  2. Stuffing details:
    • Details like Piece count, Gross weight, can input under this section
  3. Seals:
    • A seal number can be mandatory at certain times basis customs requirements for a booking.
  4. VGM is an optional step.

How to use the VGM step in shipping instructions (new experience)?

Pre-requisite to use the VGM step:

  • Shipment should be confirmed
  • Container number present
  • The tare weight displayed is an actual weight (e.g. 2269kg is tare weight for 20 Dry).
  • You could check the container plate to identify the actual tare weight of the container being stuffed. Container plates are generally located on the container doors.
Multiple cargoline option now available on website, customer can add or delete the cargoline and assign the containers accordingly to have output on bill of lading
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