How much is Maersk going to compensate me in case of rolling a Rollable shipment?
The compensation amount is depending on the trade lane. The exact amount per trade lane is available here.
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FAQ connexes
Can I change a contract booking to a Maersk Spot booking or vice versa? What does a loading guarantee mean for Maersk Spot? Maersk Spot has a loading guarantee, why would I select Rollable? Can I see price details before modifying a Maersk Spot booking? I have Maersk Spot bookings to/from the United States of America. Do I still need to cancel and re-book every time I make a change to these bookings? Can a Maersk Spot booking be amended? Will I get a “rolling guarantee” with Rollable? What is the process of a penalty fee and what does a penalty fee cover? What is the compensation fee process and what does a compensation fee cover? How and where do I get a quote for shipping my goods? Can I add/delete/change inland/store door in my Maersk Spot booking?Nouveau sur ?
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