How can I set up personalized notifications in Captain Peter?
For Premium and Integrated shipments, you can set up notifications at container level when logging in to Captain Peter or navigate to the 'Notification settings' in the top-right menu to set up notifications at commodity level.
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Часто задаваемые вопросы и ответы
What is the temperature range of a reefer container? Can I get a live demo of Captain Peter? Can I ship cargo with Maersk Go that needs to be kept at a specific temperature? Can I purchase the single Captain Peter datalog download for a single shipment? I have questions or concerns about the data I see in the Captain Peter graph or the notifications I have received - who should I reach out to? Who has access to the data on Captain Peter? Can I track my air cargo? Can my buyers and suppliers also track the cargo? Why can I not see any shipments when I log in to Captain Peter? I have purchased the Captain Peter Integrated package, how do I start integration with the API? How can I track my container to know when it will arrive? What is the retention period of the data available in Captain Peter?Впервые на сайте
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