A Maersk cargo container

Container Protect

Protect your cargo's journey against the hassle of container damages and cleaning settlements.

Long-drawn-out settlements cut short

Container damage can happen at any point in transit. Since it occurs frequently, you’re likely to get caught in the cycle of determining accountability, ultimately bringing about irreversible delays to your cargo’s journey. In such a situation, the ideal solution would be to make sure that all container damage and cleaning disputes are resolved by someone else, quietly in the background.

Container Protect by Maersk is designed to save you from the hassle of disputes and paperwork by providing transparent coverage against container cleaning and repairs due to third-party damage.

Book Container Protect with your ocean transport.

Two workers in protective gear discussing near a cargo container

Benefits of Container Protect

It is designed for seamless settlements to help keep your plans on track.
No more hassles
No hassles
All container damage and cleaning cost disputes are handled by Maersk.
No more delays
No delays
Fast settlements eliminate delays in container returns.
No surprise costs
Container damage and cleaning costs are covered up to the chosen limit and are completely transparent.

What is covered and what is not

Choose the best fit for your business

Container Protect is available in two variants

  1. Container Protect Essential for limited coverage against container damage and cleaning costs, across all commodities.
  2. Container Protect Unlimited for unlimited coverage against container damage and cleaning costs, across all commodities.
A Maersk container with doors opened and a man near it
1 out of every 3 containers require cleaning and/or repairs due to damages by third party.
— Source: Maersk Equipment Report

Get the best coverage against container cleaning and repairs

Container Protect is available in 60+ countries and varies based on relevant local market requirements and cost.
Illustration of the world map

Frequently asked questions

Need more clarity? Here are some of the most common questions we receive for Maersk’s Container Protect. We hope these will help you make an informed decision about protecting your goods from container damage and cleaning costs.

Adding Container Protect is easy

Get personalised assistance

Talk to your Maersk Sales Representative for help with adding Container Protect to your shipments.