Maersk Cargo Insurance
Take no chances. Get comprehensive cover for your cargo through Maersk Cargo Insurance.
Comprehensive coverage
When it comes to supply chain, you know that sometimes the smallest oversight can manifest into the biggest threat. These risks can damage your cargo at any time, at any step of its journey, from source to destination.
That’s why, your cargo deserves nothing but the best insurance solution in the market. An insurance policy that will cover most types of cargo, from door to door with greater ease of not just buying it, but also processing it.
Maersk takes out Cargo Insurance and by choosing this product you may also benefit from our sought-after comprehensive ‘all-risk’ insurance coverage for loss or damage to your cargo.
Key benefits of Maersk Cargo Insurance
Risks covered
- Loss or damage during end-to-end transportation of cargo, regardless of transport supplier.
- Natural catastrophes.
- General Average (GA).
- War and strikes.
- All commodities, with a few exceptions in dry and refrigerated cargo.

Treat your cargo with the care it deserves
Your cargo is precious. Not just to you, but to us as well. That’s why we offer Maersk Cargo Care: a new-age protection plan that safeguards your cargo against a range of modern logistical risks.
Maersk Cargo Care is only available for Maersk Ocean shipments for customers based in GCA only.

Frequently asked questions
Browse through some of our most raised questions on Maersk Cargo Insurance. We hope they give you more clarity on our comprehensive insurance solution and how we compensate in case of loss or damage to your cargo.
Looking for more details?
Talk to a Maersk Sales Representative to include Maersk Cargo Insurance in your future bookings.
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