What are my options if I want to divert my cargo?

We highly value the strong collaboration from customers to avoid further operational congestion and delays by working with the Maersk teams to re-direct shipments to other destinations.

Throughout this crisis we have offered several options to divert and handle cargo, applicable to both shipments on water as well as bookings with cargo still at origin. Included in this is a free Change of Destination (COD) offer – including our waiver of all additional handling and freight charges – and no cancellation fees on active bookings.

For shipments to and from Russia and Belarus, these options will expire end May 18 and the interim stop of the Detention and Demurrage (D&D) clock, where the D&D responsibility lies with Maersk, ended March 31.

For shipments to and from Ukraine, both the free COD offer, no cancellation fee and the interim stop of the Detention and Demurrage clock, where the D&D responsibility lies with Maersk, still remain applicable.

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