How can I sign up for Maersk Spot Alerts?

  1. Download the Maersk App:

    Head to the App Store or Play Store on your mobile device and download the Maersk App to your device.

  2. Enable notifications:

    After installing the app, make sure to enable notifications from the Maersk App. This ensures you stay informed about spot openings on your selected route.

  3. Log in to your Maersk account:

    Open the Maersk App and log in to your existing Maersk account. If you don't have an account yet, you can easily create one during the sign-up process.

  4. Add a subscription:

    On the home screen, locate and tap on "Add a subscription." This is where you customise your alert preferences.

  5. Customise your subscription:

    Select your desired route and container size based on your preferences and requirements.

  6. Subscribe and stay informed:

    Confirm your subscription, and that's it! You're all set to receive notifications as soon as Maersk opens for bookings on your chosen route. Now, sit back, relax, and let Maersk Spot Alerts keep you updated on the latest opportunities for your shipments.
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