What are the capabilities of the CCM platform?
Our unique platform gives you greater control, flexibility and visibility of your refrigerated cargo to ensure a seamless, unbroken cold chain all the way. You also get more transparency and predictability with a clear understanding of the total costs and the status of your refrigerated cargo round the clock.
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Часто задаваемые вопросы и ответы
What does a connected cold chain mean? Can I get access to Quality Management System documentation? What is Maersks Corrective Action / Preventative Actions (CAPA) procedures? Can I see and follow the temperature of my pharmaceutical shipments? What is the difference between consolidation and deconsolidation? How is GDP and Quality integrated into Maersk P-CCM? What is the coverage of your visibility and tracking services? My business is growing and my cold supply chain is getting more complex, can Maersk Cold Chain Logistics help me with simplifying my Cold Supply Chain? What are the benefits of Maersk Cold Storage facilities? What are Maersk's Cold Chain Solutions? What are Cold Storage services?Впервые на сайте Maersk.com?
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