What are Cold Storage services?
Goods and produce need a lot of care and maintenance and go through many processes before they continue their supply chain journey. Here are some of the services we offer at our Cold Storage facilities: Export services - Close to source storage, Import services, Export services - Close to factory or port storage.
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What is Maersk 4PL Logistics Solutions? What is the advantage of 4PL? What does a connected cold chain mean? Will Maersk be able to see my rates with other carriers and freight forwarders? Can I get access to Quality Management System documentation? What is Maersks Corrective Action / Preventative Actions (CAPA) procedures? Does SCM include EPI/ADI integration? Is Booking Services an origin focused product? How can I track my shipments and cargo with Maersk? How do you calculate the emissions in the dashboard and what is included? Can I see and follow the temperature of my pharmaceutical shipments? How is GDP and Quality integrated into Maersk P-CCM?Впервые на сайте Maersk.com?
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