What are the maximum cargo dimensions that can be loaded on to a flatrack?
For comprehensive information on shipping Out of Gauge Cargo, including what Out of Gauge is, the declation process and the maximum size that is classed as In-gauge, please navigate to our Out of Gauge Cargo Information Page. You'll find detailed guidelines and essential tips to ensure your OOG shipment is handled smoothly.
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What is the temperature range of a reefer container? What if the dimensions only change by a few centimeters? Can I ship dangerous cargo in a dry container? Can I purchase a container from Maersk? Do I still need to update my OOG declaration if the new dimensions do not cause any additional lost slots? How can I fill an OOG declaration if the exact dimensions are not known at the time of booking? Can I use an import container for my export without having to collect an empty container from the terminal? What are the D&D (Demurrage and Detention) costs? What is Detention and Demurrage? When and where does my container get released? Can I ship my own container and tanks? (wine/bulk liquids)Впервые на сайте Maersk.com?
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