12 March 2025 - Update 3

We would like to provide you with an update surrounding the situation at Hutchinson Port Delta II in Rotterdam. The slowdown of operations, which started on 10 February, has now ended and the terminal is again operating at full capacity.

Our teams are reviewing all upcoming lineups and reassessing previously planned contingencies for the upcoming week, considering the increased number of available moves this week. Although operations are back to normal, and a tentative agreement between the terminal and workers is in place, a timeline for the vote of the agreement has not yet been set.

This development means that contingency plans for week 13 and onward will not be implemented, however our teams will continue reviewing the plans and monitoring the situation at the terminal. Should there be any changes to the situation, and in case contingencies need to be activated, we will update the advisory page as soon as these plans are known. We also encourage customers to sign up for ETA notifications to receive the latest updates on their cargo as soon as changes are made in the system.

We thank you for your understanding and would like to reassure you that keeping your supply chains moving remains our utmost priority. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact your local customer service representatives.

06 March 2025 - Update 2

On 10 February, Hutchinson Port Delta II in Rotterdam started experiencing a slowdown of operations, which continues to affect the terminal and its operations. Given the uncertainty surrounding operational disruptions at the terminal, our teams are developing a contingency plan to safeguard network stability and minimise disruptions and delays to your supply chains.

Due to the slowdown of operations, there is a reduced number of moves per hour, causing a reduction in operational capacity. We want to ensure the highest possible volume delivery, which will require an implementation of a structural plan for the duration of the slowdown of operations.

In view of the situation at the terminal, we will keep customers informed as we activate contingency measures, and more information will be available through this advisory page. As soon as contingency plans are activated on service level, you will receive notifications with updated ETAs and new routing. To receive these notifications, please sign up here.

We thank you for your continuous understanding and regret any inconvenience caused. We will keep you informed of any potential changes and do our utmost to minimize the potential impact on your supply chains.

If you have questions or need more assistance, please contact your local customer service representatives.

11 February 2025 - Update 1

We would like to inform you of the strike that took place at Hutchinson Port Delta II in Rotterdam, which started on Sunday, 9 February. The strike action has led to a temporary suspension of operations at the terminal and is related to negotiations for a new Collective Labour Agreement. While operations have now resumed as of 10 February, the terminal is still experiencing a slowdown of operations for an undetermined period. As such, our teams must put certain contingencies in place as we continue to monitor the situation surrounding labour negotiations at the terminal.

Due to the strike action and slowdown of operations, there will be a reduced number of moves per hour conducted at the terminal for an unknown duration. Consequently, prolonging the time vessels are operated on and significantly disrupting their normal schedules. To minimize disruptions and protect overall reliability to your supply chains, contingent decisions will be made in the upcoming days and all customers whose cargo is impacted will receive specific information regarding detailed schedule changes and alternative options provided.

We thank you for your continuous understanding and regret any inconvenience caused. We will keep you informed of any potential changes and do our utmost to minimize the potential impact on your supply chains.

If you have questions or need more assistance, please contact your local customer service representatives.









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