Talking with Erol Toren, Vice Chairman of the Management Board at Toren Gıda

For the last 20 years, Toren Gıda has grown to become one of the leading companies in Turkey's chocolate and wafer production sector. Their search for a logistics partner to support their international shipments led them to Maersk Go.

On a delicious mission

Toren Gıda is a chocolate and wafer production company in Turkey. Since the day it was established in 2003, the company has ramped up production capacities and its tasty treats are now available in close to 100 countries. Toren Gıda is very active in both import and export, usually making shipments to African and Middle Eastern countries.

Long waiting times for a quote

Toren Gıda started experiencing difficulties in finding containers during the COVID-19 pandemic, which made it challenging to move their products worldwide.

This was particularly problematic in their line of work because food has expiration dates — and all food production and shipments need to be carefully planned and aligned.

Erol Toren, the company’s management board vice chairman, said they often had to wait days or months to get a shipping quote with their former logistics provider. This put them and their buyers in a difficult situation. Overall, this process was not sustainable.

‘Easy and simple’ booking with Maersk Go

As their foreign trade volumes increased, Toren Gıda began to look for a reliable logistics partner offering instant prices, loading priority, and solution-oriented customer service all in one. They found that with the services offered by Maersk Go:

  • Loading priority: Because chocolate and wafers have an expiration date, timing is essential to Toren Gıda’s success. Mr Toren says that with Maersk Go, they can plan shipment processes without any problems and are confident that their goods will be loaded on time.
  • Instant pricing and easy booking: Mr Toren says the booking process is “easy and simple” - taking only one minute to make a booking. They can quickly get price information for their preferred routes via the platform.

Before using Maersk Go, we had to spend a lot of time to check for prices, containers and space availability. Since using Maersk Go, we have halved the time of these processes.

Erol Toren
Management board vice chairman

He says the company’s logistics processes have become easier and that they see the benefits of the partnership more clearly day by day. They are also considering adding Value Protect in order to better protect their cargo from damage during the logistics process.

Direct communication with buyers

Another feature that Toren Gıda uses a lot is collaborating with partners on the Maersk Go platform. By allowing their buyers to make bookings on their behalf, Toren Gıda can better respond to their buyers’ needs. It has been extremely beneficial for Toren Gıda to be able to handle shipments and share information with their buyers via Twill’s platform.

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