Maersk ECO Delivery

Decarbonise Logistics.

The time to lower your greenhouse gas emissions footprint is now

The future of logistics must be shaped today. This is why Maersk has set its sights on achieving net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2040 by adapting new and innovative technologies and fuels.

This is a serious climate commitment that we are undertaking to support your GHG emissions reduction targets. To assist you in your decarbonisation goals, we have developed Maersk ECO Delivery to help decarbonise your logistics.

Maersk ECO Delivery is a product that aids in reducing GHG emissions when compared to conventional fossil energy sources. Maersk ECO Delivery gives you a choice to allocate energy from lower GHG emissions fuels* to cover the consumed energy of fossil fuels in the transportation of cargo, thereby lowering your value chain GHG footprint.

*Maersk defines reduced / lower GHG emissions fuels as fuels with at least 65% reductions in GHG emissions on a lifecycle basis compared to fossil of 94 g CO2e/MJ

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Maersk ECO Delivery products

These products are a range of decarbonisation options which are designed to help you reduce your GHG emissions footprint.

Our decarbonisation products help you mitigate your climate impact. These products are available for both ocean and air freight, and it works by utilising value chain decarbonisation allocation, through use of reduced GHG emission fuels.

取得馬士基綠能運輸 CO2 節約證書

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取得馬士基綠能運輸 CO2 節約證書

Need more information?

Reach out to our team for more details about our ECO Delivery products.

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