We are happy to announce that from 1st March 2024 Maersk will offer a House BL submission service for your cargo importing into Cambodia. With the recent regulatory changes implemented by the customs administration of Cambodia, all NVOCCs and freight forwarders that are consignee to a shipment entering Cambodia are required to report their House BL information to customs not later than 24 hours before the vessel’s departure from the last foreign port. To help you comply with this requirement, Maersk offers a cutting-edge digital solution that makes it easy to submit all the required information via Maersk.com.

The House BL instructions can be submitted by the consignee/forwarder as soon as the Master BL shipping instructions have been submitted until 48 hours prior to vessel arrival in Cambodia.

This is a value-added service, which will incur a charge of 30 USD per House BL under a charge named House Transport Document Service.

By submitting House BL data through Maersk.com customers can re-use available data, thereby limiting the need for manually keying in. Together with our advanced validation rules this reduces the risk of errors and discrepancies that could otherwise lead to customs penalties.

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