With the significant increase of lithium battery powered E-vehicle exports, we have been revisiting our existing vehicle transportation policy. This policy revision ensures the utmost safety and ease of business for our customers.

As per a recent client advisory, we would like to emphasize that it is mandatory for vehicle shippers to adhere to the following guidelines when booking with Maersk:

  • Gas powered vehicles shall be declared as dangerous goods under UN3166/class 9 or UN3171/class 9, unless they meet the requirements outlined in the IMDG Code Special Provision 961.
  • E-vehicles powered by Lithium batteries shall be declared as dangerous goods under UN3171/class 9. No special provision or exemption allowed.
  • Hybrid vehicles with Lithium batteries shall be declared as dangerous goods under UN3166/ class 9. No special provision or exemption allowed.

Effective immediately, we will no longer require shippers to provide Maersk with a copy of the Drain and Disconnect letter when shipping vehicles as non-dangerous. We will also stop requiring blanket Drain & Disconnect agreements from approved shippers. All vehicle bookings will be considered non-dangerous unless declared as such by the shipper or their agent.

Bookings accepted under the current policy for vehicles not declared as dangerous by shipper or their agent, will be transported as non-dangerous unless a DGD is submitted by the shipper no later than 24hours prior to port cutoff.

As with any potentially dangerous cargo, it is the sole responsibility of the customer to abide by the IMDG regulations and requirements when shipping vehicles. Should the shipper fail to follow these requirements, a 5,000 USD Misdeclaration Fee per bill of lading will be applicable.

To further support this change, we have included below our Best Practice to Transport Vehicles guide to help ensure your cargo is transported safely and in accordance with applicable regulations and requirements.

Best Practice to Transport

Commodity: VEHICLES
Description: Includes Cars, Motorbikes, Boats, Aircrafts, Scooter, Golf Carts, Wheelchairs, Lawnmower, and Others.
Type of Container: Dry Container
Purpose: Maersk is committed to ensure the overall safety of maritime transportation. Therefore, we have created this easy reference document as a step by step guide to book certain commodities, which is intended to support the safety of our crew at sea and shoreside, as well as safety of cargo, environment, vessels and facilities. The risk of not complying with these guidelines may result in fire or explosion. Vehicles with either a connected battery or fuel tank containing flammable liquid (petrol or diesel) or flammable gas (such as propane) can potentially cause sparks and fire.

Maersk Commodity Descriptions

  • Vehicles, cars, buses, trucks, lorries, motorcycles, bicycles, knock-down, CKD, new
  • Vehicles, cars, buses, trucks, lorries, motorcycles, bicycles, used
  • Motorized vehicles, cars, buses, trucks, lorries, motorcycles, minivan, set-up, new

Vehicles transported as dangerous goods cannot be booked as Maersk SPOT. If the cargo is not moving under a contract, a dangerous goods quote should be obtained via maersk.com prior to placing a booking with Maersk.

Circumstances under which we accept this commodity

It is mandatory to ship vehicles as dangerous goods UN3166/class 9 or UN3171/class 9 unless they meet certain criteria as outlined in the IMDG Code Special Provision 961. *

  • E-vehicles powered by lithium batteries must be always booked under UN3171/class 9 and cannot be shipped as non-dangerous.
  • Hybrid vehicles with lithium batteries must be booked under UN3166/class 9 and cannot be shipped as non-dangerous.

Required documentation if shipped as Dangerous Goods

  • Dangerous Goods Declaration.
  • Container Packing Certificate.

All other Vehicles/Hybrids can be accepted as non-dangerous goods if the vehicles comply with IMO SP961, and do not utilize Lithium Batteries as the electrical source (such as NiMH or Dry Cell batteries).

* IMDG Code Special Provision 961

Vehicles are not subject to the provisions of this Code if any of the following conditions are met:

  • Vehicles are stowed on the vehicle, special category and ro-ro spaces or on the weather deck of a ro-ro ship or a cargo space designated by the Administration (flag State) in accordance with SOLAS 74, chapter II-2, regulation 20 as specifically designed and approved for the carriage of vehicles, and there are no signs of leakage from the battery, engine, fuel cell, compressed gas cylinder or accumulator, or fuel tank when applicable. When packed in a cargo transport unit the exception does not apply to container cargo spaces of a ro-ro ship.
    In addition, for vehicles powered solely by lithium batteries and hybrid electric vehicles powered by both an internal combustion engine and lithium metal or ion batteries, the lithium batteries shall meet the provisions of 2.9.4, except that and do not apply when pre-production prototype batteries or batteries of a small production run, consisting of not more than 100 batteries, are installed in the vehicle and the vehicle is manufactured and approved according to the provisions applied in the country of manufacture or country of use.
    Where a lithium battery installed in a vehicle is damaged or defective, the battery shall be removed.
  • Vehicles powered by a flammable liquid fuel with a flashpoint of 38°C or above, there are no leaks in any portion of the fuel system, the fuel tank(s) contains 450 L of fuel or less and installed batteries are protected from short-circuit.
  • Vehicles powered by a flammable liquid fuel with a flashpoint less than 38°C, the fuel tank(s) are empty and installed batteries are protected from short circuit. Vehicles are considered to be empty of flammable liquid fuel when the fuel tank has been drained and the vehicles cannot be operated due to a lack of fuel. Engine components such as fuel lines, fuel filters and injectors do not need to be cleaned, drained, or purged to be considered empty. The fuel tank does not need to be cleaned or purged.
  • Vehicles powered by a flammable gas (liquefied or compressed), the fuel tank(s) are empty and the positive pressure in the tank does not exceed 2 bar, the fuel shut-off or isolation valve is closed and secured, and installed batteries are protected from short circuit.
  • Vehicles solely powered by a wet or dry electric storage battery or a sodium battery, and the battery is protected from short circuit.**
    **Point 5 above does not apply to Lithium battery operated vehicles.

How to Book Dangerous Cargo with Maersk: Click here

Bookings accepted under the current policy for vehicles not declared as DG by shipper or their agent, will be transported as non-dangerous unless a DGD is submitted by the shipper no later than 24 hour prior to port cutoff.

If you have any questions, please contact your local Maersk representative. Information for your local Maersk offices can be found at Countries.

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