Sri Lanka’s first supercar debuts at the Geneva Motor Show with the help of our car shipping solutions.

The background

Electric vehicles are gaining popularity because of their obvious advantages. Zero emissions, impressive mileage and low maintenance have captured the imagination of the modern car owner. As a result, many automobile manufacturers are now focused on developing their Electric Vehicles vertical.

CodeGen, a Sri Lankan software firm, decided to enter the electric vehicles market with their first ever supercar – the Vega EVX. Their primary objective was to establish Vega EVX as an aspirational luxury sports car. An exciting opportunity arose in the form of Geneva International Motor Show – the world’s biggest automobile exhibition - where futuristic automobile concepts and exotic prototypes are unveiled every year.

The challenge

The Vega team needed a vehicle shipping partner who could handle the project end-to-end and ensure on-time delivery for the motor show. So, they reached out to us for their inaugural venture.

The next few weeks were dedicated to the car’s assembly. Everything was going as planned. A month before the dispatch, as the car was approaching completion, confusion related to the car’s loading and unloading came to the fore. By the time the matter was resolved, the project was running a week behind its original schedule.

The solution

The Motor Show was approaching fast and a lot was left to do. To make up for the lost time, we made sure that everything else was in place, ready to go at a moment’s notice. Our teams acquired all the necessary permits and clearances (exports customs clearance, Carnet permit, Board of investment registration) and revised the modes of transport to ensure optimum transit time.

Vega electric supercar

After a few last-minute adjustments at the loading point, the supercar set off on its journey to Geneva.

The result

Despite the initial delays, Vega EVX reached Geneva well ahead of time for its grand showcase through a virtual press conference. The digital unveiling earned plenty of mileage for the Vega car and the team behind it. Since then, the customer has also entrusted us with the greater responsibility of managing their end-to-end supply chain requirements.

To know more about our automotive solutions, visit us here or reach out to our experts

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