Shipping to and from Sri Lanka
Your complete guide to shipping to and from Sri Lanka. Find the right route, get Maersk office locations, discover local solutions, payment options and more.
Get up-to-date local information about export procedures and restrictions, demurrage and detention, container pick-ups and more.
Export Detention (In USD)
DAY | 20 DRY per day | 40 DRY per day | 45 DRY per day |
20 DRY per day
40 DRY per day
45 DRY per day
11th day onwards
20 DRY per day
40 DRY per day
USD 16
45 DRY per day
USD 16
DAY | 20 REEF per day | 40 REEF per day | 45 REEF per day |
20 REEF per day
40 REEF per day
45 REEF per day
11th day onwards
20 REEF per day
USD 52
40 REEF per day
USD 95
45 REEF per day
USD 95
General booking procedure
Booking details should be submitted contain all valid details such as container size, number of containers, commodity, destination and any special routing agreed with Maersk.
Confirmed booking number is the key link between your cargo and the Maersk system. Hence shippers are required to update the confirmed booking number on all shipping documents. This will enable us to give you a faster service and smooth post shipment follow up.
All bookings are accepted subject to the terms and conditions laid out in the Maersk bill of lading.
Please contact lk.export@maersk.com for further details.
Revisions to shipment acceptance policy
Weight / Measurement
- No legal "over the road" weight limitation exists.
Special Cargoes
Out of Gauge and Dangerous (IMO) cargo are subject to standard Maersk approval procedures.
Documentation procedures
Shipping instruction deadline for advance manifest cargo is applicable for the Shipments which is moving to/via United states, Canada, Mexico, Japan, EU
In order to secure cargo loading approval from the relevant customs authorities, please ensure that complete shipping instructions are submitted within the deadlines set.
As per set local deadlines, failure to provide the Verified Gross Mass for the containers will result in roll over of the units as per the International Maritime Organization regulation for Verified Gross Mass and subject to potential operational charges.
Other Charges
Some important charge components
With effect from 01 January 2023 the “Destination Documentation Fee” (D/O Fee) for Sri Lanka is increased to LKR 14,800/=
For Value Added Services pls refer to the attached Value Added Services Charges file
In order to keep providing you with our global services, Maersk has revised the below Value Added Services – Surcharges for all exports and imports effective 1st November 2024. You will find the details for your respective country along with advisory in the below attached files.