We would like to inform you of recent changes regarding transshipment to Algerian ports by A.P. Moller - Maersk.
In order to optimize our network and prevent potential congestion at the Port of Barcelona, we have integrated the new port of Vado, Italy, into our route. Going forward, our vessels from Alger, Béjaïa, and Skikda, it will reduce waiting times in Barcelona by directly calling at Vado. Additionally, we are introducing an additional service facilitating transfers between Barcelona and Vado to ensure smooth continuity of operations.
Our top priority remains maintaining the efficiency of your supply chains. For details on the changes already implemented, please refer below:
Vado Italy – Alger port (Weekly)
Vado Italy - Bejaia (Bi-weekly)
Vado Italy - Skikda (Bi-weekly)
No changes in vessel rotation, with Algeciras serving as the transshipment port.
Our teams continue to work diligently to ensure seamless movement of your goods and minimize any impact on your operations. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your usual point of contact or use our chat function on www.maersk.com. Our teams are ready to assist you further.
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