15 September 2023 - Update 03

We would like to bring you an update on the TA1 service vessel Maersk Montana, which is currently undergoing repairs in Antwerp, Belgium.

Due to the repair timeline, and to ensure a reliable service for customers, Maersk Montana 338W will be cascaded into 339W position, while Maersk Kansas 339W will be advanced into 338W position. Sailing schedule will remain the same, and the ETAs for 338W sailing can be found below.

  • Antwerp ETA: 22 September
  • Rotterdam ETA: 23 September
  • Bremerhaven ETA: 25 September
  • Norfolk ETA: 05 October
  • Charleston ETA: 07 October
  • Houston ETA: 12 October

Please note that the current ETAs might still change. We will keep you updated of any changes and if you wish to receive the latest updates, sign up for ETA notifications.

We will continue to monitor the timeline of repairs on Maersk Montana and make necessary adjustments to our vessel line up, should there be a need. Keeping our customers’ supply chains moving with ease remains our utmost priority, and we will of course keep you updated with any potential developments. Should you have any questions, or require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact your Maersk representative.

11 September 2023 - Update 02

As your integrated logistics provider, we would like to bring you an update on the TA1 service vessel Maersk Montana, which is scheduled to start discharge operations in Antwerp, Belgium, on 9 September. Following the cargo discharge, the vessel will proceed with repair activities.

As previously communicated, all containers currently on board the vessel will be discharged in Antwerp to allow the vessel to go in for repairs. From there, the cargo will be loaded onto the next available service to its final destination. To receive the latest updates, sign up for ETA notifications.

For export cargo, Maersk Montana and Maersk Iowa will be swapping positions. All export cargo out of Antwerp, Rotterdam, and Bremerhaven will be loaded onto Maersk Iowa, whose position will be advanced to 337W. Maersk Iowa will continue its voyage to Charleston where it will complete discharge and load operations as planned.

As Maersk Montana begins repairs, and based on the extent of repairs needed, the timelines are still subject to change. We will keep our customers informed of any potential changes as soon as more information is available. We thank you for your understanding and patience during this time and we remain at your disposal for any questions.

06 September 2023 - Update 01

As your integrated logistics provider, we would like to bring you an update on the TA1 service vessel Maersk Montana, which is currently sailing on its voyage from Norfolk, US, to Antwerp, Belgium. Due to technical issues on the vessel, Maersk Montana is in need of repair which will consequently cause a delay in the vessel’s schedule out of Antwerp.

Our teams are actively working on planning contingencies in the interest of keeping our customers’ supply chains moving. Due to repairs, all containers currently on board the vessel will be discharged in Antwerp. From there, the cargo will be loaded onto the next available service to its final destination. Your Customer Experience representative will reach out with further details as your booking is updated. To receive the latest updates, sign up for ETA notifications.

After all containers are discharged, we will assess the extent of the repairs needed and communicate contingency plans for export cargo out of Antwerp, Rotterdam, and Bremerhaven, which will depend on the vessel repair timelines. We will confirm exact contingencies and loading plans for export cargo with our customers as soon as possible.

Maersk teams would like to thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to minimise delays to our customers’ cargo and assess the extent of repairs needed on the vessel. Rest assured that as soon as more information is available, and we define the next steps, we will keep our customers informed. Should you have any questions, or require further assistance in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your local Customer Experience representative.

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