Due to the ongoing impact of current weather conditions and high swells to shipping movements at Napier port, we regret to advise that SFL MAUI 323S/325N will omit Napier to mitigate any further disruption to scheduling and to avoid a potential slide on the service.

The following contingency routing has been secured for affected bookings:

  • Napier exports will update to MAERSK MAKUTU 326N with cargo routing via Far East Asia (FEA) ports or via Tauranga through to connecting services. Your local Customer Experience representative will be in contact shortly to assist with the applicable routing for your shipment/s.
  • Napier imports ex-Tauranga will continue to load SFL MAUI 325N and will discharge in Lyttelton and load NYK FUSHIMI 119N for delivery to Napier.
  • Napier imports ex-South-East Asia hubs / ex-Sydney on SFL MAUI 322S/324N will discharge at Lyttelton and load NYK FUSHIMI 119N for delivery to Napier.

We are working with the respective ports to update the forward schedule along with cut-off’s, which will be published on their respective websites.

We thank you in advance for your understanding, along with your continued support in trusting Maersk as your supply chain partner.

Should you have any questions please contact our Customer Experience Team via our Live Chat channel.

Anything you need, we’re here to help



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