Maersk Laura ship in an ocean

Sailings between Asia and North America

With our new network, we are excited to offer our customers a wide range of benefits with similar Ocean geographical coverage as today.

Shipping from Asia to North America

Asia to North America includes Asia to West Coast North America and Asia to East Coast North America

Asia to West Coast North America

  • Three weekly departures from Shanghai to key US West Coast ports with direct TP8 connection on a weekly basis.
  • Strategically designed network with Shanghai, Yantian, and Ningbo as last departure ports from Asia to key US West Coast ports.
  • Direct and competitive product all the way from North China & Mekong to Los Angeles.
  • Multiple weekly departures from Busan and Yokohama to key USWC ports.
  • 3 weekly arrivals in Los Angeles.
  • Enhanced product from Asia to Canada with 2 weekly arrivals in Vancouver, and 1 weekly product into Prince Rupert.
  • Weekly product to Tacoma enabling a smooth gateway to the US mid-west.

Asia to East Coast North America

  • Unlock seamless trade opportunities with multiple weekly connections from Shanghai, Yantian, Ningbo and Busan to key US East coast ports, including New York, Savannah and Houston.
  • 3 weekly connections from North & South Asia and Mekong region to New York.
  • Best in class product offering from Shanghai to Savannah and Charleston.
  • Two weekly departures from Vietnam ports of Haiphong and Vung Tau to US Atlantic ports.
  • Extensive US Gulf coverage with dedicated weekly Asia to Houston and Mobile service that is combined with an extensive shuttle coverage to Miami, Tampa and New Orleans.
  • Dedicated South China and Mekong area service covering extensive Atlantic port landscape.

Note: The network representation is subject to finalization including terminal berth windows. For service rotations, please refer to individual service maps.

Shipping from North America to Asia

North America to Asia includes West Coast North America to Asia and East Coast North America to Asia

West Coast North America to Asia

  • Three weekly direct departures from Los Angeles into Mekong, China, and Northeast Asia.
  • Two weekly connections to Yokohama from Pacific Southwest and Northwest.
  • Direct weekly Vung Tau product from Los Angeles.
  • Experience unmatched reliability with 4 weekly departures from North American Westcoast ports to Busan in South Korea.

East Coast North America to Asia

  • Our latest East Coast North America to Asia network focuses on reliable connections and competitive transit times providing flexibility for your supply chain.
  • Experience unmatched reliability with 3 weekly connections from New York to North & South Asia and Mekong region.
  • Maintaining the extensive Asia coverage from US Gulf and US East Coast through our Asia shuttle network.
  • Dedicated two weekly services capturing growing markets from Atlantic ports to Mekong and South China.

Note: The network representation is subject to finalization including terminal berth windows. For service rotations, please refer to individual service maps.

Services and service maps for Asia and North America

Only the services within the Gemini Cooperation are displayed. Below route overview shows Country/Region and the Ports.

Shuttle maps

More networks around the world

Our new network will consist of 57 services. You can find more information on what each of the trades will look like below.

Contact us

If you need more information on the new cooperation, please contact our Sales or Customer Experience teams. They are standing by to help.

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