Following our continued efforts to enhance safety of our operations and drive higher reliability of our network, we need to update rules regarding weight discrepancy and consequences of non-compliance.

Effective 15th Oct 2024, all origins will be subject to the following Weight Discrepancy Fee (WDF):

Charge Code - WDF

Origin Destination Container Size/Type Weight Discrepancy Rate Charge Basis
Container Size/Type
Weight Discrepancy
+- 3,000 KGS
300 USD
Charge Basis
Per Container
Container Size/Type
Any TANK Size
Weight Discrepancy
+- 5,000 KGS
300 USD
Charge Basis
Per Container

The WDF is applicable to each container following below scenarios:

  1. The difference (positive or negative) between the VGM weight (shipper/terminal) and SI Weight is greater than 3,000 KGS for DRY, REEFER, OPEN TOP & FLAT RACK containers and 5,000 KGS for TANK.
    • SI Weight is equivalent to cargo weight + container tare weight (auto generated when container is linked).
    • Declare cargo weight and container tare weight separately during SI submission.
  2. The VGM weight (shipper/terminal) is greater than the maximum gross weight of the container, (as per CSC plate (Max Payload + Tare weight).
  3. The VGM weight (shipper/terminal) is lesser than tare weight of the container.

These changes are part of our ongoing efforts to ensure compliance with international shipping standards and to enhance safety. The accuracy of weight during our operations is crucial to avoid incidents and for us to be more efficient, as it allows us to plan, in advance, how to better load, accommodate, and discharge each container in our vessels.

Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact your local Maersk representative or reach out via

Our teams are always standing by to assist whenever possible.

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