Secteur pharmaceutique

Des soins dans le monde entier

Améliorer l’accès, les performances et la responsabilisé grâce à des solutions logistiques pour le secteur pharmaceutique et des soins de santé.

New paths. New possibilities.

Pharmaceutical & healthcare logistics is all about safeguarding product integrity. Our dedicated approach ensures and unbroken cold chain via meticulous handling, strict temperature controls and full visibility.

Discover new paths that cater to the growing needs of the industry and realise new opportunities with integrated Pharma Cold Chain Management.

Industry overview

In the ever-evolving landscape of pharmaceutical & healthcare logistics, the call for resilient supply chains grows louder. At Maersk, our core commitment revolves around integrating solutions that guarantee the integrity of products, on a global scale. Our efforts align seamlessly with the industry's dynamic demands, enabling us to consistently deliver high-quality and timely services, thus meeting the evolving needs of the sector.
new paths

Six tendances façonnant les services logistiques pour le secteur pharmaceutique

aging population
Ageing population 
Increasing demands for long-term care and health products necessitate adaptive logistics solutions to meet evolving healthcare needs.
supply chain
Supply chain resilience
Geopolitical tensions and capacity constraints in vital pharmaceutical components drive the urgency for proactive logistics strategies.
The industry's environmental impact prompts a shift toward transforming logistics practices, including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions and innovative solutions like air-to-ocean conversions.
Research and development
The evolution of biopharmaceuticals and advanced therapies requires flexible logistics to adapt to innovative products and emerging technologies.
Enhanced visibility
The rise of digital solutions amplifies supply chain visibility and efficiency, reducing lead times and refining quality control processes.
merger and acquistions
Industry shifts
Ongoing market changes via mergers, acquisitions, and innovation-focused approaches demand adaptable logistics strategies.

The Maersk advantage: Transforming pharma and healthcare logistics

Effortlessly streamline your supply chain with Maersk's specialised pharma & healthcare services. Beyond managing intricate logistics, we optimise performance and safeguard your high-value cargo with expertise and precision.
captain peter
Real-time insights and transparency
Utilising Remote Container Management and Captain Peter's dedicated monitoring, we offer hourly data snapshots, ensuring real-time insights during transit.
Agility and precision
As vessel owners, our sea-based asset ownership enables swift responses, mitigating temperature excursions and safeguarding your cargo.
global reach
Global reach, customised solutions
With a vast global presence and expanding cold store network, we offer customised end-to-end solutions adaptable to your product's lifecycle.
Considering climate impact
Aligned with our efforts to decarbonise, we proactively take steps to reduce our GHG emissions footprint, optimise energy usage, and decrease waste by securing an unbroken cold chain.
Expertise and assurance
Our commitment goes beyond cargo; we comprehend the significance of transporting life-saving medical interventions globally. Backed by our experienced  cold chain experts, we ensure the utmost care for your sensitive cargo.

Manage, connect, simplify

The world’s leading pharmaceutical & healthcare companies rely on Maersk to deliver products globally. With our in-depth expertise, GDP compliance, end-to-end cold chain solutions, state-of-the-art equipment, and long-standing ambition to decarbonise – we're your partner for pharmaceutical & healthcare logistics.

Follow the pharma supply chain in our infographic to see how we go all the way.

manage connect

Maximisation de l’impact positif du vaccin contre la Covid-19

Le secteur pharmaceutique a travaillé d’arrache-pied pour arriver à développer en seulement 10 mois un vaccin, dont le développement prend généralement entre 5 et 10 ans. Nous avons réinventé notre réseau, notre infrastructure, notre expertise et notre technologie pour veiller à ce que ces vaccins éprouvés contre la Covid-19 puissent être livrés aux quatre coins du monde.

Gardez une longueur d’avance avec Maersk

Faire face à la situation actuelle

Malgré une congestion et une capacité limitée entre les aéroports chinois et européens, Hartmann International a réussi à transporter six millions de masques depuis la Chine jusqu’en Allemagne au moment où le personnel soignant en avait le plus besoin.

Faire face à la situation actuelle

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