Red Sea / Gulf of Aden situation

Stay ahead with expert updates.

Maersk Operations through Red Sea/ Gulf of Aden

While we continue to hope for a sustainable resolution in the near-future, the situation in the area is constantly evolving and remains highly volatile. All available intelligence at hand confirms that the security risk continues to be at a significantly elevated level, and therefore has potential impact on your logistics operations.

You can find here all the latest information, as well as vessel contingency and surcharge updates. Please rest assured that all decisions have been carefully considered to ultimately prioritise the safety of our seafarers, vessels, and your cargo. Our teams are on hand to support with your planning, contribute towards it , should you need any assistance.

Vessel contingency

Any update on vessel contingencies will continue to be communicated with customers on a case-by-case basis. Please make sure to keep visiting our online tracker, which will be updated with the latest scheduling information as soon as they become available.

Vincent Clerc


The previously announced Transit Disruption Surcharge (TDS), Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) and Emergency Contingency Surcharge (ECS) for all cargo on vessels affected by the disruptions around the Red Sea / Gulf of Aden remain in effect. Read below the details according to location.

Click below to find out Surcharges on exports from

Vincent Clerc

Service updates

We are working to maintain capacity and support our customers to manage their supply chains effectively and efficiently. This includes through making changes to our services, adding feeders and securing global connections for your shipments.
amend spot booking

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