Scheduled period pictogram

Seamless Europe 2023

18-19 October
Messe Berlin, Germany

Woman using a smartphone

Powering your e-commerce business through truly integrated logistics

Your supply chain can make or break your e-commerce business. As consumers shift their focus from brand loyalty to availability, you can no longer wait for your customers to come to you but need to figure out a way to reach them at the right time and the right place. This is why in addition to resilience; your company must be adaptable enough to go the extra mile and reach your customers before your competitors do. This means logistics is no longer about just ferrying your goods from point A to B but must become an important pillar in your business’s growth to optimise strategic decisions.

With Maersk E-Commerce Logistics, we want to empower brands and retailers to pursue a direct-to-consumer model which is seamlessly integrated with their existing B2B supply chain. To do so, we offer E-Delivery and E-Fulfilment solutions that help our customers save time, avoid high costs and sell more, regardless of the season.

Two women and a man having a conversation at the table

Talk to our e-commerce representatives

We are coming to Seamless Europe 2023 to drive conversations on the future of e-commerce and understand your needs better.

Come and say hello to our e-commerce experts and find out how Maersk's end-to-end supply chain solutions can help elevate your customers' omnichannel experience with accurate real-time tracking, efficient packaging, fast last-mile delivery and easy e-return options. Our specialists will be there to answer all your questions and take you through our complete portfolio of e-commerce services.

Unleash your business’s true potential with Maersk’s digital capabilities and optimise parcel deliveries with reliability, speed and efficiency.

Download our e-commerce brochure

Cannot wait until Seamless Europe to find out more about our e-commerce services? Access our brochure by leaving your details below.

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Anything you need, we’re here to help



Satisfacemos las necesidades de los clientes de un extremo a otro de la cadena de suministro.


Nuestro equipo de expertos está a su disposición.
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¿Listo para enviar?

Consulte las tarifas para nuevos envíos y las tarifas de transporte terrestre.
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