We would like to share an update with you about a development on the vessel, ‘Maersk Chicago’. We regret to inform you that the berthing of vessel at Pipavav, Gujarat, India, has been delayed due to issues with its main engine.

The crew onboard the vessel has put forth their best efforts but was unable to carry out the required repairs. The vessel is now awaiting spare parts, which are expected to reach in 5 to 6 days. We have also arranged for a technical expert who will board the vessel to expedite the repair process.

The vessel is currently off Pipavav and sheltered in safe waters due to the cyclone “Biparjoy”. All necessary precautions have been taken and the vessel, crew and cargo are safe with all reefers operating on-power.

As your integrated logistics partner, our aim is to always assist you in building a more efficient supply chain that keeps running without any delays or challenges. However, this is sometimes unavoidable, as in this case. We acknowledge that this is not an ideal situation for your supply chain. Please be assured that our teams are taking necessary steps to resolve the issue which has been compounded by the upcoming cyclone.

We are working steadfastly towards finding solutions to keep your cargo moving and avoid further disruptions to the onward transportation of your cargo. Our teams will continue to keep you updated as soon as more information is available.

In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local Maersk representative.

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