We are committed to providing the best service possible for the safe and efficient transportation of your valuable goods worldwide. To further enhance our service, we have been carefully listening to your needs and challenges.

As a result of this continuous effort to improve, we are pleased to inform you that we will be implementing a change to our Finance Collections email addresses. This change is aimed at optimizing our ability to manage your requests more effectively. By doing so, our dedicated Finance Collections representatives will be able to capture, access, and handle your cases with greater efficiency than ever before.

Our main objective is to provide you with an unparalleled customer experience. By streamlining our communication channels and enhancing our case management capabilities, we aim to make your interactions with us as seamless and satisfactory as possible. We would like to assure you that our phone system will remain unchanged.

Effective 16/10/2023, the email address for requests from Djibouti will be changed to dj.collections@maersk.com.

Please note that the below email addresses will no longer be active:
a) DJFIN@maersk.com

The benefits to you are simple:

  • There is no need to remember multiple email addresses
  • There is no need to call to confirm your email was received
  • All communication for a single request will be visible to our colleagues in one place

We are excited about this positive change and are confident that it will have a positive impact on our collaboration. Your continued trust and support mean the world to us, and we look forward to serving you even better with these improvements.

Thank you for choosing us as your trusted logistics partner. If you have any questions or require further information about the upcoming changes, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Anything you need, we’re here to help



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