At Maersk your needs always come first. That’s why we are continuously trying to simplify the way you do business with us. Container damages can happen at any stage of your supply chain, so we decide to introduce a new product to ensure you will not be liable for any damaged equipment (within the coverage limit) and will be protected against financial losses.
As of 15th July 2022 a new product, called Container Protect Essential, will come into effect and is offered to all shipments imported into France and Spain as part of the import standard offering for all commodities.
Container Protect Essential
- France import: EUR 15/ container*
- New product covers container repair and cleaning cover up to EUR 100.
- Spain import: EUR 15/ container*
- New product covers container repair and cleaning cover up to EUR 125.
- It is applicable to all import shipments to France and Spain, and is a new product standard to be included in quotations (not mandatory).
Applicable from*
- For non-Spot bookings the effective date is from 15th July 2022 for Price Calculation Date (PCD).
- For Spot bookings the effective date is 15th July 2022 for Booking Creation Date (BCD).
*Read all Terms & Conditions.
You are welcome to reach out to your local Maersk representative for additional support and to learn more about Container Protect for France and Spain.
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