Due to ongoing bottlenecks experienced on our AE12 service caused by port congestion and late arriving vessels, we unfortu-nately must extend the rationalisation of our normal two Trieste port calls on our AE12 service through the month of July. We are continuing this contingency measure to protect schedule reliability on the AE12 service and to give our customers better predictability and visibility on their shipments. Please see below overview for how this contingency measure will impact the AE12 scheduled rotation.

Proforma Rotation: Xingang – Dalian – Busan – Ningbo – Shanghai – Shekou – Singapore – Port Said - Haifa – Koper – Trieste – Rijeka – Trieste – Port Said – King Abdullah – Salalah – Singapore - Xingang

Contingency Rotation: Xingang – Dalian – Busan – Ningbo – Shanghai – Shekou – Singapore – Port Said - Haifa – Koper – Trieste – Rijeka – Trieste (omitted) – Port Said – King Abdullah – Salalah – Singapore - Xingang

As the situation continues to evolve, we are working closely with all involved stakeholders in the local supply chain to help miti-gate the situation. Please note that this measure is intended to be temporary and ongoing contingency plans will always be made with the objective of minimising supply chain delays and alleviating the impact on our customers’ businesses.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to continuing working with you in the future. In case of any questions, please contact your local customer service or sales representatives.

Anything you need, we’re here to help



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