Due to Canal Suez blockage situation, there was a joint decision made, that Magleby Maersk 109W vessel was routed to Europe around Cape of Good Hope.
In order for her to recover schedule, she will not call Gdansk port but will phase in back to schedule after discharging all import cargo at Wilhelmshaven.
As situation remains dynamic there was a change to above decision and Magleby Maersk will call Gdansk port and ETA is 20/04.
Our plan was to minimize impact to your logistic chains.
Thanks to that, your cargo will arrive one week – two week earlier comparing to previous contingency update.
For further questions, we encourage you to liaise with your local Maersk customer service representative or check Maersk website.
We want to thank you for your business and look forward to continuously serving your global transportation needs.
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