Further to our notification dated 7-Feb regarding the OLGA MAERSK 504S/509N discharge only call at Sydney, we wish to provide you with the following update.
Loading operations will now resume at Sydney, with the OLGA MAERSK 504S/509N now resuming full discharge and loading operations at Sydney.
Due to an operational schedule adjustment, OLGA MAERSK 504S/509N will also perform a port swap between Sydney and Melbourne, with Melbourne now being called prior to Sydney.
The revised schedule* is expected to be as follows:
Origin | Olga Maersk 504S/509N (ETA-ETD) |
Tauranga (Southbound)
Olga Maersk 504S/509N
20-21 Feb
Olga Maersk 504S/509N
27-28 Feb
Olga Maersk 504S/509N
2-3 Mar
Port Chalmers
Olga Maersk 504S/509N
8-9 Mar
*Schedule is indictive and is subject to change
- Shipments that were updated to load MAERSK RIO INDIA 410N ex Sydney to connect back to OLGA MAERSK 509N at Tauranga will be called back for direct loading OLGA MAERSK 509N ex Sydney.
- Shipments planned to discharge from OLGA MAERSK 504S at Sydney and Melbourne will continue to discharge from the vessel as planned, but as per the revised schedule.
- Shipments planned to load OLGA MAERSK 509N ex Melbourne, will continue to load on the vessel as planned, but as per the revised schedule.
Please refer to 1-STOP and terminal websites for the revised receival and delivery periods.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your continued support.
Should you have any questions please contact our Customer Experience Team via our Live Chat channel.
Anything you need, we’re here to help
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