Please be advised that the Maersk office in Melbourne is relocating to a new address.
As of 22 May 2024, the current office at 607 Bourke Street, Melbourne will be closed, and 53 Harrick Rd, Keilor Park will be closed on Thursday, 23 June 2024. The current Melbourne PO Box will also be closed.
Between Friday, 24 May and Tuesday, 11 June 2024, all mail and deliveries should be temporarily redirected to the Maersk Warehouse at 17 Reid Way, Melbourne Airport, Victoria 3045.
From Wednesday, 12 June 2024, the new Maersk Melbourne office will be located at:
Level 4, 500 Bourke St
Melbourne VIC 3000
Please update your records and systems to reflect this change. All other contact details (phone numbers, email addresses) will remain the same.
We look forward to welcoming visitors and customers to our new office, by booked appointment.
Maersk A/S and Maersk Logistics & Services (Australia) registered address change
From 1 June 2024 Maersk A/S and Maersk Logistics & Services (Australia) registered address will change to: Level 6, 44 Market Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
If you have a current contract in place with Maersk for the provision of services, please send all future notifications pursuant to the contract terms to the new registered address.
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