Due to delays arising from DP World Industrial Action and to mitigate any further impact to forward scheduling, we would like to inform you of the schedule changes for GSL CHRISTEL ELISABETH 346S/349N & CMA CGM NANTONG 347S/350N. GSL Christel Elisabeth 346S/349N will only be calling Brisbane in Australia after calling Tanjung Pelepas and Singapore while CMA CGM Nantong 347S/350N will only be calling Sydney in Australia after calling Tanjung Pelapas and Singapore.
- For Australian imports planned on these two sailings
- All Australian imports planned on GSL CHRISTEL ELISABETH 346S will remain on the vessel.
- All Australian imports planned on CMA CGM NANTONG 347S will either be advanced to GSL CHRISTEL ELISABETH 346S or replanned onto CMA CGM CORNEILLE 348S.
- For Australian exports planned on both vessels:
- All Australian exports from Sydney planned on GSL CHRISTEL ELISABETH 349N will be transferred to CMA CGM NANTONG 350N.
- All Australian exports from Brisbane planned on CMA CGM NANTONG 350N will be advanced to GSL CHRISTEL ELISABETH 349N.
Should you have any questions or require support, please reach out to your local Maersk team using our instant chat channel: Live Chat or check schedules for more details.
We thank you in advance for trusting Maersk as your supply chain partner.
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