As a consequence of the forecasted reductions in global demand, Maersk is looking to balance the network accordingly.
Our overall goal remains to provide our customers with predictability and to ensure minimal disruption to their supply chain by supplying alternative routings and coverage for the affected vessel positions.
In order to give you as much visibility on the situation as possible, please see below for the latest scheduling details:
First Effective Sailing subject to voyage number change:
Week | Service | First Impacted Vessel | Original Voyage number WB/EB | New Voyage number WB/EB | ETD |
27 |
AE55 |
First Impacted Vessel
MSC Rifaya |
Original Voyage number WB/EB
327W/333E |
New Voyage number WB/EB
Void |
8th July 2023 Shanghai
Coverage plan:
Service | First Impacted Vessel | Original Voyage number WB/EB | Plan |
AE10 |
First Impacted Vessel
Munkebo Maersk
Original Voyage number WB/EB
326W |
Induce to Xiamen
AE5 |
First Impacted Vessel
Murcia Maersk
Original Voyage number WB/EB
326W |
Induce to Port Tangier
AE6 |
First Impacted Vessel
MSC Loreto
Original Voyage number WB/EB
327W |
Induce to Le Havre
AE10 |
First Impacted Vessel
Madison Maersk
Original Voyage number WB/EB
333E |
Induce to Port Tangier
Our teams will continue to make sure customer impact is minimized by rebooking cargo to the remaining network in advance. We will, of course, communicate any further changes with you as soon as possible.
Thank you for your understanding, trust and cooperation. We look forward to continuing to serve your global logistics needs in the future.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your local customer service or sales representatives.
Anything you need, we’re here to help
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