With the continued port congestion and delayed vessel berthing both in Australia and South East Asia, we will be adjusting our schedule for the Komodo service to protect schedule reliability and continue to enable a weekly connection between South East Asia and Australia. Therefore, we are announcing the following schedule changes.
A slide will start with vessel Q3T - GSL CHRISTEL ELISABETH, sailing 247S/249N, with an ETA in AUBNE on the 17th of December 2022.
Voyage numbers will only be changed during the next cycle of sailings, where Q3T - GSL CHRISTEL ELISABETH 301S/303N will become 304S/304N.
Should you have any questions or require support, please reach out to your local Maersk team using our instant chat channel: Live Chat
We thank you in advance for your continued support and look forward to continuing to connect your supply chain.
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