Kindly note the Luanda Express 225W is severely delayed into Cape Town and due to this Hapag Lloyd has decided to omit Cape Town on the West Bound call and proceed to Pointe Noire.
All West African calls will be maintained and the vessel will be on time into Cape Town for her Eastbound call.
All import cargo onboard the Luanda Express will remain on board for discharge on the Eastbound call in Cape Town.
All export cargo from Cape Town booked on the Luanda Express will be transferred to the Cosco Korea 226W.
Revised schedule
Luanda Express 225W – Westbound - OMIT
Cosco Korea 226W – Westbound – 01/08
Luanda Express 225E – Eastbound – 23/08
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any further concerns, we remain contactable via our usual channels.
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