Following up the empty return regulation in Maersk, we want to share with you the update related to appointed depot where you need to return empty container to for Maersk shipments - Surabaya.
Starting from vessel CONTI CANBERRA 205S – ETA 25 FEB 2022*, for cargo that still within freetime please return the empty container to SEACON - SURABAYA with below details.
Address : Jl Tambak Langon 136, Benowo, Surabaya
Phone : (031) 749 9649 (Hunting)
*ETA is subject to change without prior notice.
While for cargo that beyond freetime or freetime already ended, please return the empty container to MTKI – SURABAYA with below details.
Depot Name : MTKon Surabaya
Address : Jl. Greges Jaya III No 2-4-6 Surabaya
Phone : (031) 7497660
This is to avoid any discrepancy in Detention and Demurrage (DnD) charge calculation.
Kindly follow the information in the web for the empty return appointed depot. Container can be return to the appointed depot if it is still within freetime.
Any issues that may happen due to empty container return not done at the correct depot will be under customer’s responsibility.
Thank you for your continuous support for Maersk!
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