Maersk Algeria: Change of Maersk Head Office Address & Change of Phone Numbers
It is with a great pleasure that we announce to our valuable customers that Maersk Algerie SPA is moving to a new location.
Indeed, in the purpose to better serve you and to improve the facilities we are offering to you in our main agency of Algiers, consequently the head office will moved to Geneva Tower, 14th floor Pins Maritimes, El-Mohammadia Alger, Algérie as from July 1st, 2021.
Thus, new phone lines will be made available and will be effective from July 1st, 2021:Phone Lines
021 89 20 20
021 89 20 21
021 89 20 22
021 89 20 23
021 89 20 24
021 89 20 25
021 89 20 26
021 89 20 27
Fax Lines
021 89 20 28
021 89 20 29
We would like to remind you that we will also remain reachable in our other usual communication channels such as e-mail and Live Chat
- Maersk : (Outside Europe) or through our Live chat at Maersk website.
- Sealand : (EU & MED) – Sealand Maersk.
The Maersk Algeria SPA team remains at your disposal for further information.
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