A large group of stacked Maersk group containers at a port or terminal

Maersk Freetime Extension

Add extra freetime to your booking.

Stay ahead of shipment delays

The world of logistics can be unpredictable. And sometimes this unpredictability has a direct impact on your schedule. Issues like congestion at ports, delays from inland transport partners, problems with the local warehouses or even global socio-economic problems are all factors that can result in an unexpected hold-up in your supply chain.

Without enough freetime in your contract, these delays can result in high detention and demurrage (D&D) charges – an unnecessary administrative hassle for your business.

With Freetime Extension, you can add extra freetime to your shipment journey at the start of the booking, after placing a booking or even after your cargo's journey has begun. This gives you full flexibility and control, which makes it easier to adapt to unexpected changes in the global logistics landscape.

A Maersk cargo container being lifted by a ship crane

Why Freetime Extension?

Flexibility pictogram
Flexibility & control 
You can add Freetime Extension at different stages of the shipment journey, even after making your booking. This ensures convenience and flexibility when you need to adapt to unpredictable supply chain delays.
Reduced costs
Decrease the cost of detention and/or demurrage
Do you foresee possible issues with congestion at a port, delays from the trucking company or problems with the warehouse? Add Freetime Extension to avoid heavy detention and demurrage fees.
Find Prices
Clear visibility on the risk of D&D
Get full insights into your possible D&D charges and act in advance to avoid these charges.
Increase your freetime
Increase your freetime while booking, after booking or from 15 days prior to arrival before the vessel arrives.
shock proof
Predictability on cost
Add Freetime Extension and avoid any difficult and expensive Detention and Demurrage processes.

Use the Detention and Demurrage calculator

Will your container return empty on time, or is it likely to be delayed? Maersk offers you free access to our online risk assessment tool that can calculate the detention and demurrage risks of your shipping journey.

The risk assessment calculator tells you if it’s likely that you will pay a fee due to the container returning late. Get insights to help you decide the best way forward with minimum disruptions and surcharges. See exactly what your detention surcharge would be and what you will save with Freetime Extension. Find the calculator when you log on to maersk.com under Import Detention and Demurrage. You can start by entering your bill of lading number.

man accessing the laptop

How it works

Maersk Freetime Extension enables you to extend the number of days you can hold your cargo beyond the agreed amount of freetime. You can opt for ‘Freetime Extension’ for a specific shipment or for all your shipments in a Maersk Contract, and at various stages of your shipment journey.

  • Contracting stage - Buy extra freetime through your contract with Maersk and secure extra freetime for all your shipments.
  • Booking stage - Purchase extra demurrage and/or detention freetime as per your requirement when booking on maersk.com
  • Shipment instruction stage - Freetime can be purchased even after booking while submitting your shipping instructions on maersk.com
  • 15 – 1d before arrival - Last-minute surprises in your supply chain? Buy freetime on maersk.com even when your shipment is in transit.
Online booking

Book Freetime Extension online

Add Freetime Extension when you book your shipment journey online. You can also add Freetime Extension while submiting shipping instructions online or from 15 days prior before vessel arrival at your destination. Just log on to maersk.com and add to your shipment to avoid any detention & demurrage charges.

Book Freetime Extension through your Maersk representative

You can ask your Maersk representative to add Freetime Extension to your contract. The Maersk representative can advise the correct amount that you need to add to avoid detention and demurrage.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find questions related to Freetime extensions here