Responsible tax

A responsible approach to tax is essential for ensuring that the value we create contributes to sustainable development worldwide.

Why responsible tax practices matter

At Maersk, we recognise the need for companies to generate shared value in the local economies where they do business. Tax is one of the key financial contributions that we make towards this goal.

Well-functioning tax systems help finance education, healthcare, transport, infrastructure and other public services. These in turn create the conditions for sustainable development and inclusive trade.

Our ambition

Maersk acts responsibly and with integrity in all tax matters, ensuring full compliance in every jurisdiction across the world. We work closely with tax authorities to ensure that we fully disclose relevant information and pay the correct amount of taxes while balancing our obligations towards our shareholders.

Responsible tax

Our targets

Full public country-by-country tax reporting by 2024.
As an ongoing priority, we ensure full compliance with tax regulations in all countries where we operate and continue to engage in dialogue with stakeholders on tax matters.

Highlights in 2023

Full country by country tax reporting
In 2023 we are disclosing our full Country by Country Reporting (CbCR) for all countries where we operate in accordance with OEDC CbCR principles.
USD 454m
Total Tax Charge
Total 2023 tax charge (compared to USD 910m in 2022) in a year where profits decreased 37%

Priorities and actions

Maersk generates profits from ocean, air and land-based activities. Operating in more than 130 countries, we structure our business in accordance with commercial and economic needs. With such a diverse range of activities, a responsible and transparent approach to taxation is vital to our success.
Mutual rules pictogram

Aligning strategy with values

Our Tax Principles are annually approved by the Board of Directors and are closely aligned with our Core Values, Code of Conduct and business strategy.

Acting on our responsibilities

We pay tax where value is created, within the boundaries set by legislation and in accordance with relevant authority guidelines. We seek to be tax efficient, including to prevent double taxation, interest charges, tax penalties, and we only pay tax which is due.
Document sharing

Increasing transparency

We publicly disclose the tax we pay in key countries per region and provide full country by country reporting to the Danish tax authorities in accordance with our legal obligations.

Featured highlights and case stories

On The B-Team to increase tax transparency

Maersk’s Tax Principles and Tax Strategy are aligned with the seven key principles defined by The B-Team, a global non-profit initiative that advocates for business practices that positively impact climate and society.

As a founding member of the initiative, we endorse The B-Team Responsible Tax Principles, which guide us as we work to increase transparency in our approach to tax.

Tax Report 2023

We strive to be a compliant and accountable taxpayer in all countries where we operate, contributing to those countries’ welfare.

Since 2020, we have publicly disclosed the tax paid by Maersk in key countries in our annual Tax Report which covers approximately 92% of all corporate taxes, in accordance with OECD Country by Country Reporting (CbCR) principles. To increase transparency even further, in 2023 we are disclosing our full CbCR for all countries where we operate.

Sustainability Report 2023

Explore our progress on environmental, social and governance dimensions in our latest Sustainability Report.

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