Earlier, we reached out about the suspension of all bookings to and from Djibouti, due to the situation in and around the Red Sea. We are now writing to tell you about further developments on this.

Maersk is pleased to announce that we have resumed our acceptance of new bookings to and from Djibouti. While we are pleased to inform you of the reopening, the situation in and around the Red Sea / Gulf of Aden, including the Bab-El-Mandeb strait remains at a volatile level, with all available intelligence at hand confirming that the security risk is at a significantly high level.

We continue to monitor the situation in and around the Red Sea and will keep you informed of any changes to your shipments, should they occur. Please note that you can find all earlier our advisories, service updates, surcharges and other information related to the situation in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden here .

Our teams are on hand to support with your planning, should you need any assistance. Should you need further assistance on how schedules and services have changed, they can also assist here.

Anything you need, we’re here to help



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