Import storage costs settlement process for Busan New Container Terminal (BNCT)
We would like hereby to announce the important change in storage costs settlement process applicable to import cargoes to Busan New Container Terminal (BNCT).
With effect from 1st of July 2023 on vessel arrival date basis, storage costs for import cargoes to BNCT will be directly invoiced from the terminal operator to importers as per public tariffs without involvements by Maersk. Please directly liaise with the terminal operator for free time and storage rates. Operational reefer services costs will be kept being settled between the terminal operator and Maersk.
Please be also informed that these import storage costs settlement between the terminal and importers shall be arranged outside of our own demurrage and detention (D&D) rules. Therefore, apart from the storage costs being settled with the terminal, customers need to follow standard D&D rules or contracted conditions offered by Maersk. Details of our standard D&D rules in South Korea can be found under the link South Korea Imports | Maersk.
Should you have questions or require any assistance with this information, please contact our sales and customer service department.
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