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Shipping to and from Australia

Your complete guide to shipping to and from Australia. Find the right route, get Maersk office locations, discover local solutions, payment options and more.

Local information

Maersk Australia – Sydney
Level 6, 44 Market Street
Australia NSW 2000
+61 2 72516848
Maersk Go pin: 0011
Maersk Go contact email id:

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Horário de funcionamento
Mon-Fri 08:30-17:00

As one of Australia’s leading shipping companies, we connect Australia’s businesses large and small with customers and suppliers across the globe. Calling ports in Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, Fremantle and Melbourne, we offer the links you need to take advantage of global trade.

Since 1993, we have developed a range of competitive services that connect key Australian ports to our unrivalled global network – giving you a reliable connection to the rest of the world. And, with head offices in Sydney and staff based in Adelaide, Brisbane, Fremantle and Melbourne, we are close to your operations.

Informações úteis

Obtenha informações locais sempre atualizadas sobre períodos de feriados, taxas, serviços de pagamento, procedimentos, restrições e muito mais.

Experience our new and enhanced cargo booking

Now with instant booking confirmation.

In our continuous effort to offer you a simpler and easier digital booking experience we are pleased to present to you our new booking solution on Maersk.com.

You can now have your cargo booking request confirmed within seconds. In addition, you get greater visibility of sailing options with available vessel space, a list of depots with empty containers to choose from, and a choice of relevant value-added services. And you can now book from any device.

Web Solutions

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