Maersk is always committed to providing the best logistics solutions to our customers. In our ongoing efforts to enhance the connectivity of our ocean services calling at Barcelona port (Spain) with the rail services to Lyon (France), we are modifying the rail transport schedule starting from week 26.

This update will improve the connection by reducing the layover in Barcelona for our westbound AE11 (Far East) and ME2 (India Middle East Asia) ocean services. Moreover, it will facilitate the future introduction of a second weekly roundtrip, as the current schedule does not support a second rotation.

The current departure from Barcelona to Lyon, which is on Tuesday morning, will be shifted to Thursday morning.

Direction Cut-off customs ops Departure Arrival / pick-up
Barcelona -> Lyon
Cut-off customs ops
Wednesday 16.00
Thursday 06.00
Arrival / pick-up
Friday 10.00
Lyon -> Barcelona
Cut-off customs ops
Thursday 16.00
Friday 17.00
Arrival / pick-up
Monday 06.00

The change will take effect from week 26, with the first departure on Thursday, June 27, instead of Tuesday, June 25, and a return to Barcelona on Saturday, June 29.

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