Countries worldwide are rallying to support energy transition initiatives as part of their climate goals and also to stay business-competitive in a changing global economy.

This is a revolution, and Latin American countries too are at the forefront, boasting a robust pipeline of renewable energy projects. These endeavours not only align with the clean power matrix but also harness the region’s vast untapped potential.

In an educational video interview – informed by the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) inaugural report on Latin America – some of our foremost experts in the region answer questions on the following topics:

  • Renewable Energy trends in Latin America
  • The logistical hurdles that renewable projects face
  • How strategic solutions can ensure that these projects stay on track

The panel

Alexis Rodriguez, Head of Sustainability Maersk Latin America

Alexis Rodriguez

Head of Sustainability
Maersk Latin America
Roberto Fernaine, Head of Maersk Project Logistics Maersk Latin America

Roberto Fernaine

Head of Maersk Project Logistics
Maersk Latin America

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