Maersk efficiently transports time-sensitive auto components from Sweden to Brisbane for a leading auto manufacturer, cutting transit time and costs.


The customer

Our customer is a multinational manufacturing company based in Europe specialising in producing, distributing, and selling trucks, cars, buses, and construction equipment. With over 50 years of operation in Australia, they have a strong track record of helping their customers succeed in various industries.


A big opportunity stalled by a tough problem

Australia saw a remarkable surge in new vehicle sales in 2023, primarily driven by the increasing popularity of larger vehicles like sports utility vehicles (SUVs). Considering this growing opportunity, our customer aimed to boost its market share in the country.

However, they had a tough challenge of shipping auto parts from Sweden to Brisbane, all while encountering a critical issue: the need to deliver finished vehicles within a tight timeframe, without causing disruptions in their manufacturing line.


Navigating challenges with Maersk Sea-Air solution

The Maersk Sea-Air solution was the best possible fit to solve the customer's problems. This innovative approach offered a quicker option than ocean freight and a cost-effective alternative to traditional air freight.

It offers the best of both worlds, blending ocean and air transport according to the customer's preferred requirements, offering several advantages: lower costs, shorter transit times and reduced warehousing needs.

Key Benefits of Maersk Sea-Air Solution

Maersk Sea-Air doesn't just solve the challenge of urgent cargo delivery; it also maximises cost efficiency. It's the ideal choice for customers seeking a balance between cost and transit time

The right time to market

Avoid delays and congested trade routes, saving 20% to 40% on transit time compared to standard ocean freight.

Core carrier programs

Rely on Maersk’s strong partnerships with core carriers in both ocean and air freight, ensuring high service levels and unwavering reliability.
Cost efficiency pictogram

A cost-agile combination

Streamline supply chains and reduce storage costs, with savings of 30% to 40% compared to regular air freight rates.

CO2 Emission Savings:

Reduction in increased air freight use contributes a reduction of carbon emissions by 30% to 45%, creating a more sustainable supply chain.

Delivering faster, and cost-efficient logistics

40% saved on transit time | More cost savings vs traditional air freight | Customer satisfaction

Our Sea-Air solution allowed our customer to break free from the shackles of regular trade-lane bottlenecks, saving 40% on transit time compared to standard ocean freight. By delivering the auto parts precisely when needed, Maersk Sea-Air slashed storage and inventory costs, leading to remarkable savings of 30% to 40% compared to traditional air freight rates.

Add to this, carbon emissions reduction of up to 45% when compared to traditional long-haul Air Freight, and we see ourselves taking a step towards a greener future for global logistics. This collaboration marked the beginning of a new era in logistics, defined by innovation and efficiency. It also demonstrated the Maersk team’s capabilities to solve complex problems help customers grow and expand their business anywhere in the world

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