A.P. Moller – Maersk would like to inform you of the current situation at the Port of Hamburg, where the union Verdi has announced a warning strike action scheduled to start on 22 March 17:30 and end on Friday 24 March 06:00 am, ahead of the negotiations scheduled to start on 27 March.
While the strike action is expected to pose challenges for vessels requiring pilotage, the rest of the operations at the port, on both ocean and inland side, for now continue as normal. Our teams are working on assessing the impact to our vessel schedules and planning appropriate contingencies to keep our customers’ supply chains moving. To ensure maximum visibility to customers, please see the overview of impacted vessels below.
- Eugen Maersk (312E): new vessel expected time of berthing 24 March 07:00, and new vessel ETD 26 March 19:00
- Buton Maersk (311S): currently alongside, new vessel ETD 26 March 07:00
If your cargo is affected by these contingencies, your local Customer Experience representative will reach out to you as your booking is updated. Should any changes occur, we will communicate all information to you as soon as possible. Maersk teams will continue to monitor the situation and the impact it might have on operations and our customers’ supply chains. We will keep our customers updated as the situation develops, and more information becomes available.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your local Customer Experience representative. Our teams remain at your disposal should you need further assistance.
Anything you need, we’re here to help
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